[1]Hong Yao, Guangqian Luo, Minghou XU, T. Kameshima, and Naruse I, Mercury Emission and Species During Combustion of Coal and Waste, Energy & Fuels,1946-1950, 20(5), 2006
[2]Jun Han, Minghou Xu, Hong Yao, Partition of Heavy and Alkali Metals During Sewage Sludge Incineration, Energy & Fuels 20, 583-590, 2006
[3]Hong Yao and Naruse I., Combustion Characteristics of Dried Sewage Sludge and Control of Trace Metal Emission, Energy & Fuels, 19(6),2298-2303, 2005
[4]Hong Yao and Naruse I., Control of Trace Metal Emissions by Sorbents during Sewage Sludge Combustion, Proceedings of the Combustion Institute30, 3009-3016, 2005(Excellent Paper Award from Combustion Institute of Japan,2007)
[5]Naruse I., Hong Yao, Hirofumi M., Saito N. and Kohama T., Fundamentals on Emission and Control of Trace Metal Compounds in Combustion Processes, Clean Air: International Journal on Energy for a Clean Environment, Vol.5, No.3 pp130-138, 2004
[6]Hong Yao, Iddi S.N. Mkilaha and Naruse I., Screening of sorbents and Capture of Lead and Cadmium Compounds by Sorbents during Sewage Sludge Combustion, Fuel, Vol. 83, 7-8, 1001-1007, 2004
[7]Naruse I., Hong Yao, and I.S.N. Mkilaha, Sorbent Control of Trace Metals in Sewage Sludge Combustion and Incineration, J. Phys.IV, France, 107, 917-920, 2003
[8]Hong Yao and I. Naruse, Optimization and Utilization of Sorbents to Control Trace Metal Emissions in Combustion Processes, Coal Combustion Facing the 21st Century(ISBN:7-81089-377-7),427-431, 2003
[9]Hong Yao and I. Naruse, Combustion Characteristics of Sewage Sludge and Behaviors of Trace Metal Emissions,Fluidization 2003: Science and Technology (ISBN:4-9901883-1-4),366-370, 2003
[10]Hong Yao, Noboru.S., Iddi S.N. Mkilaha and Naruse I., Comparative Study of Lead and Cadmium Compounds Capture by Sorbents, J. of Chemical Engineering of Japan, Vol.35, 5, 401-408,2002.
[11]Hong Yao, Saito N., Iddi S.N. Mkilaha and Naruse I., Fundamentals on Vaporization Behaviors of Trace Metal Compounds at Different Atmospheres and Temperatures, J. of Japan Institute of Energy, Vol.81, 4, 256-262, 2002.
[12]Iddi S. N. Mkilaha, Hong Yao, and Naruse I., Thermodynamic Analysis of the Role of Chlorine and Sulfur Environment during Combustion & Incineration Processes, J. of Material Cycles and Waste Management, Vol.4 (2), 143-149,2002
[13]Iddi S. N. Mkilaha, Hong Yao, and Naruse I., Trace Metal Speciation during Combustion and Incineration Processes, Combustion Science and Technology, Vol.174, No.11-12, 325-344, 2002
[14]Hong Yao., Saito N., I. Naruse, Fundamentals on Emission Control of Trace Metal Compounds by Sorbent Addition, Fluidization 2000: Science and Technology(ISBN:7-80594-692-2/T.20), 95-100,2000
[15]Xu M., Fan Y., Yuan J., Sheng C., Hong Yao, Modeling NOx Emissions During Staged Combustion, International Journal of Energy Research, 23, 683-693, 1999 pdf
[16]Xu M., Fan Y., Yuan J., Sheng C., Hong Yao, a Simplified Fuel-NOx Model Based on Regression Analysis, International Journal of Energy Research, 23, 157-168, 1999Huan Liu, Qiang Zhang, Haoxuan Xing, Hongyun Hu, Aijun Li, Hong Yao*. Product distribution and sulfur behavior in sewage sludge pyrolysis: Synergistic effect of Fenton peroxidation and CaO conditioning. Fuel, 2015, 159: 68-75. (SCI&EI)
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