
发布时间:2023-03-03  阅读次数:









  • 2016.04-至今 山东大学 能源与动力工程学院 副研究员

  • 2015.04-2016.03 华中科技大学 博士后

  • 2013.04-2015.04 日本Chubu University 应用化学系 博士后

  • 2007.09-2013.03华中科技大学 煤燃烧国家重点实验室 博士

  • 2010.05-2012.03澳大利亚 Monash University 化工系 联合培养博士

  • 2003.09-2007.06山东大学 能源与动力工程学院 学士


  1. 国家自然科学基金面上项目:高岭土同时脱除多种重金属的机理描述及其模型建立(No.50776038),2008-2010.

  2. 国家自然科学基金重大国际合作研究项目:烟气再热循环富氧燃烧方式下CO2与燃煤多种污染物的生成与控制 (No.50721140649)2007~2010.

  3. Australian Research Council (ARC, 澳洲研究理事会) Future Fellowship Grant (FT0991010).


  1. Juan Chen, Hong Yao and Lian Zhang. A Study on The Calcinations and Sulphation Behavior of Limestone During Oxy-fuel Combustion. Fuel, 2012, 102: 386~395. (SCI&EI, IF: 3.248)

  2. Juan Chen, Facun Jiao, Lian Zhang, Hong Yao and Yoshihiko Ninomiya. Use of Synchrotron XANES and Cr-doped Coal to Further Confirm the Vaporization of Organically Bound Cr and the Formation of  Chromium(VI) During Coal Oxy-Fuel Combustion. Environmental Science &  Technology, 2012, 46, 3567~3573. (SCI&EI, IF: 5.228)

  3. Juan Chen, Baiqian Dai, Fiona Low and Lian Zhang. XANES Investigation on Sulfur Evolution During Victorian Brown Coal Char Gasification in Oxy-fuel Combustion Mode. Energy & fuels, 2012, 26, 4775~4782. (SCI&EI, IF: 2.721)

  4. Juan Chen,Hong Yao,Pingan ZhangLi Xiao,Guangqian LuoMinghou Xu.Control of PM, by Kaolin or Limestone During O:/CO:Pulverized CoalCombustion.Proceedings ofthe Combustion Institute,2011,33,2837~2843.(SCI&EI,IF:3.633)

  5. Facun Jiao,Juan Chen,Lian Zhang, Yajuan Wei, Yoshihiko Ninomiya,SankarBhattacharya, Hong Yao. Ash Partitioning During the Oxy-fuel Combustion ofLignite and Its Dependence on The Recirculation of Flue Gas Impurities (H:O, HCland SO). Fuel, 2011,90,2207-2216. (SCI&EI,IF: 3.248)

  6. 陈娟,罗光前,徐明厚,姚洪.O2/N2O2/CO2下吸附剂控制燃煤PM;排放.华中科技大学学报(自然科学版),2010,38(2): 125~-128.(EI)

  7. 陈娟,罗光前,张平安,肖黎,徐明厚,姚洪.O/CO:气氛下高岭土和石灰石控制燃煤PM排放的试验研究.动力工程,2009,29(12): 1148~1154.(EI)

  8. 李园,陈娟。张平安,姚洪.高岭土同时吸附 Na,Pb 化合物的机理研究.工程热物理学报,2013,34(1),175~-179.(EI)


  1. Juan Chen, Hong Yao, Lian Zhang, Mechanisms for Calcination and Sulfation of Limestone During Oxy-Fuel Combustion, 2nd International Oxyfuel Combustion Conference, 11~16, Sept. 2011, Yeppoon, Australia. (Oral report)

  2. Lian Zhang, Juan Chen, Fiona Low, Facun Jiao, Yoshihiko Ninomiya. Use of Synchrotron-Based X-Ray Adsoprtion Spectroscopy (XAS) for the Speciation of Cr in Oxy-Fuel Fly Ash. Chemeca 2011, New South Wales, Australia, September 18~21, 2011. (Oral report)

  3. Juan Chen, Hong Yao, Lian Zhang, Mechanisms for Calcination and Sulfation of Limestone During Oxy-Fuel Combustion, Chemeca 2011, Poster, New South Wales, Australia, September 18~21, 2011. (Poster)

  4. Juan Chen, Hong Yao, Lian Zhang, Pingan Zhang, Yuan Li, Zhiwei Xing and Minghou Xu, Evaluation of SOX Removal and PM1 Reduction by Limestone during Oxy-fuel Coal Combustion, Chemeca 2010, Adelaide, Australia, September 26~29, 2010. (Poster)

  5. Juan Chen, Hong Yao, Pingan Zhang, Li Xiao, Guangqian Luo and Minghou Xu, Control of PM1 by Kaolin or Limestone during O2/CO2 Pulverized Coal Combustion, 33rd International Symposium on Combustion, Beijing, China, August 1~6, 2010. (Oral report)

  6. 陈娟,罗光前,张平安,姚洪等. O2/CO2条件下添加吸附剂对燃煤PM1排放的影响研究。中国工程热物理学会会议,合肥,2009. (Oral report)


  1. 201012月获校优秀博士学位论文基金资助,燃煤细微颗粒及重金属的排放控制”2010.12~2011.12.

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